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wonderful city view, London life!
...also water in Thames some times in day that rises, falls. View from Tower bridge? Nice shot.
yes.. typical weather and a nice view.. Thames, historic and actual architecture.. and life..
well captured one..
Красивый снимок!!!!
Скъпа Ива! Много интересната фотография!Indeed, the eclectic is amaising! What a wonderful mixture of architectural styles, well captured in the photo. And besides, composition is exellent!
Интересное место!
Всё перемешалось в архитектуре и в этом , наверно , своя прелесть!!!
good London view iva typical weather
A beautiful view captured, Iva!!! Congrats!
I always thought London was foggy. Interesting contrast with architectures between the castle and the rocket looking building!
Хорошо,что дождь не идет...
Красивая работа.Понравилось
Интересное сочетание современной архитектуры со средневековьем! Красивое фото!
You have right, we have the same weather in Norway... But good angel and motive from a beautiful city.