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Фото "***"

фото "***" метки: пейзаж, макро и крупный план, весна
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (1 из 1)
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Uros Kovandzic Uros Kovandzic #1 пт 21 дек 2007 11:21

Very nice, but would be much better if you excluded the first red flower from the composition, I think. It gets a little in the way, drawing your eyes on two blurred objects and one sharp which is a little bit distracting. This kind of focusing would be better with the three same objects, rather than as combination of two against one. Tha same thing applies in opposite- if you chose two white and one red object, and blurred white ones.You can crop it and resubmit, if you agree with my opinion. Regards. улыбаюсь