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Photo "***"

photo "***" tags: portrait, children
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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comments (4 from 4)
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Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #1 mon 19 May 2008 03:24

A sad scene but well composed!

Joaquim Simoes Joaquim Simoes #2 mon 19 May 2008 04:31

So sad B&W portrait!!! It hurts our heart to see the suffering on the face of this young girl!!
Life is so cruel... sometimes....

Vladimir Evdokimov Vladimir Evdokimov #3 mon 19 May 2008 10:02

Отличная работа!

silvia marmori silvia marmori #4 Tue 20 May 2008 20:04

most expressive.. most touching image.... sad smile