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Фото "Lemur Repost"

фото "Lemur Repost" метки: природа, путешествия, Северная Америка, дикие животные
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Lemur Repost
I had posted the original in various forums and was given much advice on what to do to make it better. I hope this is an improvement! Taken at the Philadelphia Zoo. Minolta Maxxum 450si - Minolta AF35-70mm Zoom Lens. 
пт 8 июн 2001 21:50
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Lee Nelson Lee Nelson #1 пт 8 июн 2001 23:42

Sure think you`ve captured the look Todd. Is that intense or what? Like using the zoom lens to isolate. Only nit I have is the slight green cast. Suggestion, +25c & Y for the mids and about 10 each on the Highlites. Awesome

Ben Bondarenko Ben Bondarenko #2 сб 9 июн 2001 00:33

Todd, it looks like that poor animal is scared of you, animal cruelty

Mike Baldwin Mike Baldwin #4 сб 9 июн 2001 00:50

The tight cropping and perfect framing makes this almost perfect....you are learning fast, Todd!

Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #5 сб 9 июн 2001 01:38

Fine Ben, you are always taking the side of the baby lemur. Why is that Ben? Is there something here that maybe I should know about? KELLY!!!!! - Thanks to Mike and Lee. Ben… I am telling you right now - I am about to have an episode… Are you happy??? HAHAHA…

Ben Bondarenko Ben Bondarenko #6 сб 9 июн 2001 02:33

Todd, not always, but I know what I see. Look in his eyes, that poor thing is afraid.

Helyn Davenport Helyn Davenport #9 сб 9 июн 2001 06:09

Some see fear..others see aggression..I see a creature who seems disinterested in the picture taker..he is looking off to the side...he is ho-hummm another one..:0 Great shot Todd..!

Ben Bondarenko Ben Bondarenko #10 сб 9 июн 2001 10:08

actually I also see aggression, looks like its time for lunch and that animal wants to eat poor Todd. but I thought it would be fun if i say it other way around. lol.

Greg Summers Greg Summers #11 сб 9 июн 2001 19:05

Todd - this is sooooo muuuuch imprved- do tis with flowers and will be calling you George O`Keefe

Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #12 сб 16 июн 2001 08:03

sharp! and you were able to get soooo close улыбаюсь