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Фото "Insight."

фото "Insight." метки: портрет, мужчина
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (6 из 6)
все комментарии по убыванию
Steve Bingham Steve Bingham #1 сб 9 июн 2001 19:22

Great portrait. Wonderful pose, nice frontal lighting. Too bad about the lack of detail in the highlights.

Greg Summers Greg Summers #2 сб 9 июн 2001 19:24

This is a wonderful portrait - on my screen I see the detail - and I`m giving the benefit of the doubt.

Helyn Davenport Helyn Davenport #3 сб 9 июн 2001 21:15

I love his expression.....great..

Луиза Луиза #4 вс 10 июн 2001 02:46

Is he in a galery looking to a painting ? OR if not
He projects an aspect of someone who thinks big of him self and has lots of vanity and superiority in his eyes.

Анатолий Дорофеев Анатолий Дорофеев #5 вс 10 июн 2001 06:53

Yes, it is the known artist in Novorossisk, it(he) is at an exhibition of the friends.

Mike Baldwin Mike Baldwin #6 пн 11 июн 2001 05:26

An interesting expression, Anatoli... I like the way he stands out from the crowd!