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Фото "The Village`s Spring"

фото "The Village`s Spring" метки: путешествия, пейзаж, Азия, весна
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The Village`s Spring
сб 9 июн 2001 17:57
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комментарии (14 из 14)
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Greg Summers Greg Summers #1 сб 9 июн 2001 18:54

David - there`s so much in this image and yet, you`ve made it look all so simple and cohesive.

Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #2 сб 9 июн 2001 19:23

Wow...this is now very good! I love the landscape...the homes... the water reflecting the blue of the sky I can`t see... well done!

Ben Bondarenko Ben Bondarenko #5 сб 9 июн 2001 20:30

david you take such beautiful pictures, as for the village, where are the roads

Helyn Davenport Helyn Davenport #6 сб 9 июн 2001 21:05

Outstanding image...a sight to behold.....wonderful work David...wonderful inner eye you have...

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #8 вс 10 июн 2001 01:29

Excellent !!

Mike Baldwin Mike Baldwin #9 вс 10 июн 2001 01:34

Having giving you 5 for your previous one, I am sorry I cannot give you more for this one, David...it is superb! I will add it to my favourites instead.

Vladimir Revic Vladimir Revic #10 вс 10 июн 2001 01:37

As interestingly and beautifully.

april coleman april coleman #11 вс 10 июн 2001 05:24

Oooo, this is so good, it should be sold as a puzzle, fantastic David!!!!

Lee Nelson Lee Nelson #12 вс 10 июн 2001 10:05

David, I hardly know what to say. It`s so nicely done. Think I`ll just enjoy.

Ellen Zhu Ellen Zhu #13 пн 11 июн 2001 06:16

Excellent, Love the work of Gods!

peter o neill peter o neill #14 пт 15 июн 2001 23:27

Wonderful perception. I have loked at this photo for quite some time and I am still discovering.....

Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #15 сб 16 июн 2001 07:41

spectacular! such interesting formations. quite a sight!

Феодосий Задунайский Феодосий Задунайский #16 пн 25 июн 2001 02:21

Hi, David. A pittoresque village. Rise fealds? A bit dimmy but OK as a postcard view. The water`s totally undrinkable I bet.

David Wu David Wu #17 пт 29 июн 2001 08:05

to Roy Celine :
Aha!The sunny sky & white cloud,
Clear water like a mirror,
And the sky shinning on the beautiful river,
The pure degree of water can compare with the mineral water in the supermarket,I bet.
anywhere,thanks for your mark and comments.