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Фото "The church"

фото "The church" метки: фотомонтаж, архитектура, пейзаж,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (10 из 10)
все комментарии по убыванию
Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #1 сб 5 окт 2002 06:05

Lovely work! It reminds me of Van Gogh`s "Starry Night" in a way. Quite entrancing. улыбаюсь )

Arie Rotshtein Arie Rotshtein #2 сб 5 окт 2002 06:37

Very nice buddy.....Keep up with the good work (-;

Jette Stroem Jette Stroem #3 сб 5 окт 2002 14:55

I like you work
from Jette

Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #4 сб 5 окт 2002 16:32

The magical photographic Art. An excellent photograph. My congratulations, Mark Stuart

Jose Marafona Jose Marafona #5 сб 5 окт 2002 17:36

I like this too..but there won`t be much to feel the same.. улыбаюсь

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #7 пн 7 окт 2002 00:33

Excellent and beautiful Digital Art work!

Gregory S. Linschitz Gregory S. Linschitz #8 пн 7 окт 2002 23:46

Excellent shot....
Fine technics...
Very stylishly...
Pleasant colors..
My congratulations...

Marita Toftgard Marita Toftgard #9 ср 9 окт 2002 01:54

Great job...
You are very creative...you seem to have many different styles...
that is good...I like new ideas...

Pedro Dinis Pedro Dinis #10 ср 16 окт 2002 23:32

Well seen and done this church Mark!

strelka strelka #11 вс 25 май 2003 22:45

I understand it! сомневаюсь