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Фото "The Meeting Point..."

фото "The Meeting Point..." метки: природа, дикие животные
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The Meeting Point...
место съемки:
пн 9 фев 2009 19:53
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Татьяна Савватеева Татьяна Савватеева #1 пн 9 фев 2009 20:07

Yes, it's the meeting point, really... улыбаюсь How beautiful those sea-gulls are, and how interesting is to see so great number of them!.. Wonderful image, Jose!

Joaquim Simoes Joaquim Simoes #6 пн 9 фев 2009 20:42

This place is very near my home, it takes only 20 mnts by car. It's a beach (Costa da Caparica) where there are always hundreds of sea-gulls! The reason is because the fishermen they fish near the beach and they pull their nets to the beach where these sea- gulls are!!!!! It's a Fish Festival!!!!
That's the stori of so many sea-gulls!
Thank you so much, Taty, for your kind words!
Have a wonderful week!
Please accept my worm regards

Алиса Швоева Алиса Швоева #2 пн 9 фев 2009 20:12

Jose, good photo, with humour! The Birds instead of person staying at a resort! My warm regards! Alisa.

Joaquim Simoes Joaquim Simoes #5 пн 9 фев 2009 20:36

This is a beach where I use to go during the summer time and in Winter too! It's very near from Lisbon and there are always hundreds of seagulls!
It's really a wonderful place!!!
Thak you, Alisa, for your kind words!
My warm regards

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #3 пн 9 фев 2009 20:19

sucg a lovely place... birds place... regards

Игорь Мелекесцев Игорь Мелекесцев #4 пн 9 фев 2009 20:32

Very nice shot! улыбаюсь

Cris Cris #7 пн 9 фев 2009 21:35

Beautiful work seeing this grand meeting in progress!

chandru shahani chandru shahani #9 пн 9 фев 2009 22:30

This scene reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock's
1963 movie The Birds. It is very well captured.

johny hemelsoen johny hemelsoen #10 пн 9 фев 2009 22:33

Very nice composition.

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #11 вт 10 фев 2009 00:16

Lovely place! An excellent moment captured, dear friend!!!

Костенко Анна Костенко Анна #12 вт 10 фев 2009 01:44

Сколько их!

Катенька Федосеева Катенька Федосеева #14 вт 10 фев 2009 17:41

Wonderful place and nice composition!

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #15 вт 10 фев 2009 20:24

Very nice shot!

Ольга Еремеева Ольга Еремеева #16 ср 11 фев 2009 11:19

Interesting shot! How many gulls and all are waiting for the fish улыбаюсь

galina petrowa galina petrowa #17 ср 11 фев 2009 15:59

Очаровательные чайки!! Красивый пейзаж!! Успехов!! С уважением.Галина. улыбаюсь