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Фото "KISS"

фото "KISS" метки: фотомонтаж, портрет,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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This image was shot on film...high contrast..backlighting of subjects, and then developed in solution to increase the contrast. Original printed on Illford. Scanned in and here you are. 
пт 15 июн 2001 10:45
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (15 из 16)
все комментарии по убыванию
David Wu David Wu #1 пт 15 июн 2001 10:47

A especial idea!

Maria Pleshkova Maria Pleshkova #2 пт 15 июн 2001 12:12

The best! My favourite of your latest works!

Wahid Noureldin Wahid Noureldin #3 пт 15 июн 2001 12:47

Unity enveloped by clean infinity.

april coleman april coleman #5 пт 15 июн 2001 17:05


Луиза Луиза #6 пт 15 июн 2001 18:04

Bravo !!!!!
This is an original thought. Very interesting.

Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #7 пт 15 июн 2001 18:15

Nothing exsists but the union of the two lovers... the outside world ceased to be....

Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #8 пт 15 июн 2001 18:27

wonderful simplicity, just a few dark marks on white - and voila. There`s some noise on the white background though.

Ben Bondarenko Ben Bondarenko #11 пт 15 июн 2001 22:46

more like painiting

peter o neill peter o neill #12 пт 15 июн 2001 23:54

Is that tear of farewell from his eye.... Wonder technique and professional presentation.

Greg Summers Greg Summers #13 сб 16 июн 2001 00:10

Yes, well, simple elegance - one my all time favorites

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #14 сб 16 июн 2001 00:20

Simple and elegant...Great work.

Lee Nelson Lee Nelson #15 сб 16 июн 2001 00:44

Very elegant Helyn and such technique.

Stйphane BOURSON Stйphane BOURSON #17 сб 16 июн 2001 12:18

i don`t like the border , select a border is so important than picture

Nico Bastone Nico Bastone #18 вт 26 июн 2001 21:07

Simply, elegant... great. Brava, Helyn. Nico.

Вадик Вадик #20 вс 4 авг 2002 09:24
