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Фото "The new face of middle America."

фото "The new face of middle America." метки: ,
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The new face of middle America. к
место съемки:
They lost their small farm in Oklahoma due to a couple of crop failures , the high price of seed and a well going dry . As most small farmers they were always a little in debt , but with a new harvest they were able to pay off their debts and save a little . Then came a couple of bad years . They applied for help from the government . They were denied . So they came to California with two children seeking something from the Golden State . They are living in a small motor home that someone gave them . Being a farmer he knew nothing else and then came the big layoffs and now he has no chance .
Tomorrow we are going to take the whole family to Pasadena for one of the largest " Pot lucks in the park ". Everyone brings something . And there are about 1600 homeless who come to the Thanksgiving event . No one leaves hungry . Perhaps I can hook him up with a job there . 
чт 26 ноя 2009 15:30
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Владимир Ефимов Владимир Ефимов #1 чт 26 ноя 2009 15:58

There are no words. Only thanks to you for reporting, and thanks to people which help them.

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #4 чт 26 ноя 2009 21:45

Thank you Vladimir . They will survive just as others have before them . All they need is a little help .
Barry улыбаюсь улыбаюсь улыбаюсь

Rich Read Rich Read #2 чт 26 ноя 2009 18:13

Beautiful portrait and commentary.
They still have each other and hopefully they will find work.

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #5 чт 26 ноя 2009 21:46

Thank you Rich . They will have a great time today and hopefully I can hook him up with a job.
Barry улыбаюсь улыбаюсь улыбаюсь

Tigra Tigra #3 чт 26 ноя 2009 18:14

Прекрасный портрет! улыбаюсь

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #6 чт 26 ноя 2009 21:49

Спасибо Jollyn.
Горячие приветы.
Барри улыбаюсь улыбаюсь улыбаюсь

Anatoly Tronheim Anatoly Tronheim #7 чт 26 ноя 2009 22:05

Лишние люди?!

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #8 пт 27 ноя 2009 16:07

Thank you Anatoly.
Barry улыбаюсь улыбаюсь улыбаюсь

Всеволод ОЗЕРОВ Всеволод ОЗЕРОВ #9 пт 27 ноя 2009 17:59

It's a high quality portrait. What puzzles me is the title. I understand the title being the integral part of the photo. I cannot understand it in it's entirety. Why "new"? Now with Barak Hussein Obama at the wheel they have a promising future. Are they the face of America? Here I see, however sad it might be, faces of two misfortunate persons, reminding me mentally disturbed. And what is middle America? I lived there and many times went from NYC to LA and from Chicago to New Orleans, but still cannot locate "your" middle America. Would be grateful for your reply.

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #11 сб 28 ноя 2009 16:16

Middle America is Oklahoma and some of the other farming states etc.. And the President is not bailing out these people . Only the big corporations . They don't face a promising future in America . I don't know what you have been hearing about the President , but he is no better that any other President . He can talk the talk , but not walk the walk . We are deeper in debt thah ever before and getting deeper every day . Under him the constitution is just another piece of paper .
In ecnomic reality China owns the United States .

Chet King Chet King #13 пт 11 дек 2009 10:50

Hear hear.

Иван Березицкий Иван Березицкий #10 пт 27 ноя 2009 23:50

я думал русские алкоголики. без обид.

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #12 сб 28 ноя 2009 16:18

No offence taken. They are just people down on their luck , like millions of other Americans.
Regards .
Barry улыбаюсь улыбаюсь улыбаюсь

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #14 вс 20 дек 2009 08:20

Excellent portrait and notes!!!
Well done, dear Barry!

Андрей Жилин Андрей Жилин #15 вс 20 дек 2009 13:29

Shrill portrait!