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Фото "Red Barns, Sussex"

фото "Red Barns, Sussex" метки: пейзаж, зима
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Red Barns, Sussex
Winter in the County of Sussex, New Jersey 
чт 2 янв 2003 03:17
цифровая фотокамера Nikon D100
объектив Nikon 28-120 zoom
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комментарии (5 из 5)
все комментарии по убыванию
Ludmila Focus Ludmila Focus #1 чт 2 янв 2003 03:52

Pitty, that is so small! But , i guess, very nice!

Lucaz - Luis Costa Lucaz - Luis Costa #2 чт 2 янв 2003 05:22

Very nice work, regards.

Jose Marafona Jose Marafona #3 пт 3 янв 2003 16:09

Nice photo..but too small!!

Владимир Попов Владимир Попов #4 вт 8 апр 2003 17:21

My English not absolutely good. But I shall try comment. Very interesting and beautiful photo.
As though from what that of film about Fede Kruger.
What for a place? On a background of a cloud or a smoke? A little not clear because of the small size of a photo. In the big photo probably impresses.
From what you the countries?

George Draney George Draney #5 вт 8 апр 2003 22:45

Thank you for your comment.

The original photo was taken with a Nikon D100 digital camera, shot in the color mode.
I then proceeded to work on this picture in
Adobe Photoshop 7.
The background clouds and sky were intentionaly
changed to b&w, because I wanted to make things
The photo was taken in Sussex County, New Jersey
Thank you for your inquiry
PEACE George R. Draney