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Фото "Low TIde"

фото "Low TIde" метки: природа, разное,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Low TIde
I found a spot where the star fish were everywhere. 
пн 17 фев 2003 03:51
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комментарии (7 из 7)
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Artur Gomes Dias Artur Gomes Dias #1 пн 17 фев 2003 04:06

Very nice :congrats.

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #2 пн 17 фев 2003 07:30

Beautiful work! How you managed to hang onto the muted pastel colors of your subject is fantastic.
I don`t think a crop from the upper right hand side would hurt this..:)
Wonderful details and nice composition. улыбаюсь

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #3 пн 17 фев 2003 08:16

Very nice work!!!!

MihF MihF #4 пн 17 фев 2003 18:26

very interesting macro

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #5 пн 17 фев 2003 20:40

Very beautiful picture!

Lucaz - Luis Costa Lucaz - Luis Costa #6 вт 18 фев 2003 01:20

Very nice work, regards!

Jose Luis Mendes Jose Luis Mendes #7 вт 18 фев 2003 20:25

Excellent and beautiful work !!!