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Фото "Begining of the end..."

фото "Begining of the end..." метки: макро и крупный план,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (10 из 10)
все комментарии по убыванию
Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #1 пн 24 фев 2003 22:07

It`s a game of colours, lght and shapes. It`s a nice game.An excellent photograph. My congratulations, Cristian Chitaru

Олег Волошин Олег Волошин #2 пн 24 фев 2003 23:20

Hm-m... What is it?

Тронин Тронин #3 вт 25 фев 2003 00:18

I like it.Expressive,interesting color,well done!

Tom Vordok Tom Vordok #4 вт 25 фев 2003 01:07

Nice abstract!

Lucaz - Luis Costa Lucaz - Luis Costa #5 вт 25 фев 2003 02:16

Very nice work, regards!

Zeca Zeca #6 вт 25 фев 2003 03:24

Great macro...Congrats.

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #7 вт 25 фев 2003 07:06

Great work!!!!

Cristian Chitaru Cristian Chitaru #8 вт 25 фев 2003 09:33

It`s ice. The first drop of water reprezent the begining of the end. "Himself" look at "his" ephemeral life like in a mirror (black shadow and the red drop).

CF CF #9 сб 13 дек 2003 07:07

I`m glad I came across your work. I`ve really enjoyed viewing your gallery. You are an excellent photographer.

Дмитрий Таранов Дмитрий Таранов #10 пт 5 мар 2004 12:34

Well done.