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Shrine of St. Nicholas Chudotvortsa.Postr. in 1686 the efforts of the palace cooks, Khlebnikov and Watchmen on the site had existed since 1649 (perestr. in 1669) church, ca. Czar firewood (schepnogo) yard on a rum-made log cabins to palatial buildings. According to one version, the name of the church came from St. icons. Nicholas revealed in with. Chips.

High altar - St. Nicholas. When the refectory - a chapel of St. Theodosius kinoviarha (pereosvyaschen in 1818 in the name of sowing. Apostles Peter and Paul). In the beginning. 1773 in the refectory constructed chapel Simeon and Anna at the expense of his wife's government clerk, Anna Ivanova (in 1884 moved to the South. Annexe of the temple). Low tower with a spire - 1813. Updated in 1888. Fence - XIX century. Famous for its wealth of decoration (largely due to the king's contributions), chetyrehyarusnym carved iconostasis (Moscow Baroque, XVI1 to. "Gorgeous, high-thread, with exquisite openwork columns; salaries beautiful coinage"), icons of the XVII-XIX centuries. 
Thu 16 Dec 2010 05:58
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Anatoliy YAkimov Anatoliy YAkimov #1 Thu 16 Dec 2010 10:28

Отличный снимок !