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Фото "Brush Footed Butterfly Portrait"

фото "Brush Footed Butterfly Portrait" метки: макро и крупный план,
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Brush Footed Butterfly Portrait
Olympus 2100 UZ. Taken in Coconut Creek Florida. F3.2 at 1/500 sec. ISO 100 
вс 1 июл 2001 00:48
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Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #2 вс 1 июл 2001 01:42

Very pretty. I don`t mind the frame . Slightly OOF on the right wing. Lighting is perfect.

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #3 вс 1 июл 2001 02:06

Nice capture, good details.

Mary Waters Mary Waters #5 вс 1 июл 2001 05:49

beautiful image of a beautiful fly..the frame is your personal preference..hard to get a perfect capture....but..you got a good one....nice detail work..

Helyn Davenport Helyn Davenport #6 вс 1 июл 2001 11:11

Tis perfect....!

David Wu David Wu #7 вс 1 июл 2001 17:51

Great shot!

Greg Summers Greg Summers #8 вс 1 июл 2001 18:06

It`s almost impossible to get the span of a buttefly in focus - few, even in textbooks are - this could be in one - it seems you were able to shoot almost parallel to the wing surfaces but so close and jus thr flutter or change of the wing`s position - well done in any case - great blurred background

Виталий Запорожченко Виталий Запорожченко #9 вс 1 июл 2001 19:48

Great shot!

april coleman april coleman #10 пн 2 июл 2001 06:11

Terrific! Colors are wonderful, love the touch of purple flower!

Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #11 вт 3 июл 2001 23:45

At first I was a little put off by the border/frame. After a while I realized that the subject is SO perfect and so strong that it holds the attention. Beautigul butterfly - Amazing colors.

Mitchell Kanashkevich Mitchell Kanashkevich #12 чт 19 июл 2001 13:48

Excellent close-up!

Paul Bracey Paul Bracey #13 вт 7 авг 2001 07:48

what a pretty butterfly - was looking for his feet to see why they call it that - that wee bit more depth of field might have been the ticket, but at the expense of some shutter speed, a loss that might have resulted in even more blur

Геннадий Карпов Геннадий Карпов #14 вс 17 май 2009 18:07

здорово! только микробов не видно