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Фото "The old barn-1"

фото "The old barn-1" метки: пейзаж,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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The old barn-1
Early morning.Samsung SR 4000+Schneider 50 mm;B/W ORWO-100 
ср 4 июл 2001 13:39
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Helyn Davenport Helyn Davenport #1 ср 4 июл 2001 20:55

soft focus..warm tones...takes me into the past ...

Lita Lita #2 ср 4 июл 2001 21:39

Просто превозходно, и компазиция и цвет.

Eugene Soukharnikov Eugene Soukharnikov #3 чт 5 июл 2001 01:33

Я бы сказал, что композия очень обычная (главный предмет на середине), особенных перемен теней нет, небо занимает огромную часть фотографии и оно плоское и мертвое. Здание, само по себе, правда интересное. Где Вы нашли плёнку ORWO (старая ORWO прекратило своё существование в 1995 году, а новая, маленькая фирма ОRWO, но я их не видел даже в (бывшей) Восточной Германии?

Eugene Soukharnikov Eugene Soukharnikov #4 чт 5 июл 2001 01:52

for those who can`t read Russian, well I graded this photo the way I did because I felt the composition was quite conventional, centered on the main object of the photograph, gradations of grays are good but wouldn`t call them outstanding for this kind of work, the skies, which occupied a large upper portion of the picture is flat and lifeless; in the same time the structure depicted on the photograph, supposedly some kind of a barn, is interesting, but in my opinion the photo could be a bit better if it had more light or more emotion or more abstract feeling or movement to it, as of now it is a good but a terribly generic picture. I was quite intrigued by the choice of film the photogramer used to take this shot: ORWO or ORiginal WOlfen or more precisely ORWO VEB Filmfabrik Wolfen used to be a German film manufacturer, from the former German Democratic Republic, and from what I read from Wolfen heritage site it began operations in the early 1960s and went out of business around 1995. I`ve read that a few employees bought a few machines and began to manufacture photographic film under the same trade mark, however, I could not find ORWO film in Germany, although you can buy boutique and custom label brands of film in Germany, more than anywhere else, so I am quite intrigued as to where did author get the ORWO film (which I know still exists, in theory, but I hadn`t seen with my own eyes).

Yuri Kovachev Yuri Kovachev #5 чт 5 июл 2001 14:20

Sposibo za ozcenki i komentarii!To 3#-u nas v Bolgarii est novoe ORWO i plenka ponravilas!

Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #6 чт 5 июл 2001 23:25

Desolation and hopelessness fill me when looking at this. You have made a photo that brings with it much emotion. Good Job!