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Photo "id wants, id won't get it:."

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id wants, id won't get it:.
- It is a prison. The cell is a prison watchtower is on guard. These two are one person. The prisoner is also his own guardian, the guardian is also a prisoner of his own. But these two, prisoner and guard, did not they see that each of them is simultaneously both. They do not see that they are one person, because they are separated, and are separated because they do not see that they are one person. The situation truly arcywięzienna, bezwyjściowa. Because even when from time to time it happens the prisoner to escape from his cell, and the building of the prison, he escapes it with his invisible guardian of the neck and, consequently, what seemed to him to be freedom, turns out to be merely another form of imprisonment. The same guard returning home after service in the town takes the cap invisible prisoner night and wakes up sweating and scared, because he dreams of what might dream of a guard, namely, that the prisoner fled from prison. And although one might say that - despite everything - one is more unhappy (prisons) and the other less (guard), there is no material between them, qualitatively, the real difference, as both one and the other is not happy.

You are the prisoner and the guard, cell and watch tower, the whole edifice of the prison and all the so-called freedom.

E. Stachura, 1985

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Sat 12 Nov 2011 23:39
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Дмитрий Ильин Дмитрий Ильин #1 Sun 13 Nov 2011 12:22

Мне нравится.