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фото "MY WAY HOME" метки: природа, пейзаж, домашние животные
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место съемки:
Barroca d'Alva, River Tagus estuary, Portugal. 
сб 7 апр 2012 17:50
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комментарии (11 из 11)
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Andrei Nikonov Andrei Nikonov #1 сб 7 апр 2012 18:08

walk out alone upon my way
Through the gloom the cobble-stone path glimmers.
Night is silent while the desert prays
But a pair of stars exchanges faint murmurs.

In the awesome heavens all is peaceful
And the earth dreams, bathed in blue resplendence.
Why is this, my path, so hard and painful?
Why do I wait? Must I feel repentance?

No, the past has nothing worth my pity
There is nothing to expect from living.
I seek only freedom and serenity
And to drift off toward eternal dreaming.

My desire is not the grave's cold sleeping,
But I wish to spend forever drowsing
So life's forces in my breast are dreaming
And that filled with my breath, my breast is rising.

And a sweet voice singing love songs o'er me,
Day and night enchantingly serenading.
And a dark oak arches high above me
With its everlasting green leaves rustling.

I Walk Out Alone Upon My Way (Lermontov)

carlos loff fonseca carlos loff fonseca #5 сб 7 апр 2012 21:55

ANDREI, pretty cool poetry and thanks!

Ирина З. Ирина З. #2 сб 7 апр 2012 18:46

Хорош кадр! Надеюсь- найдет ПУТЬ ДОМОЙ...)

carlos loff fonseca carlos loff fonseca #6 сб 7 апр 2012 21:56

IRINA, every body is trying to find the way home all the times ... my best regards!

Сенникова Галина Сенникова Галина #3 сб 7 апр 2012 19:16

Выхожу один я на дорогу...

carlos loff fonseca carlos loff fonseca #7 сб 7 апр 2012 21:57

Щербина Галья, our Life is our Road!
Best wishes, my friend!

Алексей Патлах Алексей Патлах #4 сб 7 апр 2012 19:38


carlos loff fonseca carlos loff fonseca #8 сб 7 апр 2012 21:58

ALEKSEJ, my compliments!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 вс 8 апр 2012 02:02

I like the composition and DOF... Beautiful!

carlos loff fonseca carlos loff fonseca #10 вс 8 апр 2012 23:59

This pet was curious about me ... what could I do (?)just save this moment ... and the dog allowed me to frame and shoot!
Best Easter for you, dear BERÊ!

Татьяна Марцинковски Татьяна Марцинковски #11 чт 12 апр 2012 03:49

Трогательная картина !