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Фото "Vanishing Point#2"

фото "Vanishing Point#2" метки: архитектура, пейзаж,
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Vanishing Point#2
Hurgada/Red Sea/Egypt. 
чт 19 июл 2001 02:02
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Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #1 чт 19 июл 2001 02:13

Wahid you have a great eye to capture wonderful pictures, and certainly an eye of a great architect.

Cherry Cherry #2 чт 19 июл 2001 02:24

le regard de l`architecte mele aux subtils doigts de l`artiste Chapeau !

Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #3 чт 19 июл 2001 02:25

I love this photo and it`s colors. I love architecture when it is captured with flair and interest. This photo conveys the feeling of eternity and an endless road. My eye want to follows the opened area for as far as it goes. The plant on each "patio" helps to continue this feeling of ongoing adventure.

Greg Summers Greg Summers #4 чт 19 июл 2001 02:41

Mirror, mirror on the wal and the wall and the wall etc., etc - glowrious view into infinity.

Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #5 чт 19 июл 2001 03:18

Gee, Wahid, you really took full advantage of that place, huh? улыбаюсь ) Wonderful!

Harvey Edelman Harvey Edelman #7 чт 19 июл 2001 04:48

You are a master and I bet I know your favorite color.

april coleman april coleman #8 чт 19 июл 2001 05:47

Layer upon layer upon layer...I love how you did this series, Wahid. I can see the architect in you lighting up and shooting away when you see these kind of stuctures....

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #9 чт 19 июл 2001 06:47

I am drowning in the depths of this photo! This is wonderful!

Lee Nelson Lee Nelson #10 чт 19 июл 2001 08:34

Seems like you were born to see these kinds of perspective Wahid. Or could it be years of hard work and training. Think it`s both, and what a marvelous shot. The classic form.

Serge Shandin Serge Shandin #12 чт 19 июл 2001 16:44

Amazing and dizzy! Bright sense of expanse.

Brenda Bohannon Brenda Bohannon #13 чт 19 июл 2001 20:59

INCREDIBLE!!! What a fantastic work of art! :~)

Daniel Sikorskyi Daniel Sikorskyi #14 пт 20 июл 2001 02:25

A great sense of dimension... keeping me in the photograph. Two of my wonderful friends are architects who, I know, would love this image.

Daniel Sikorskyi Daniel Sikorskyi #15 пт 20 июл 2001 02:29

PS. Congratulations on the Photo of The Day.

Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #17 пн 23 июл 2001 07:58

The DOF and framing on this one are Excellent Wahid.

Lita Lita #18 пн 30 июл 2001 20:33

The excellent decision and sight on architecture.