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Фото "Seafaring in Chartreuse"

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Seafaring in Chartreuse
пт 20 июл 2001 09:31
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комментарии (13 из 13)
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Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #1 пт 20 июл 2001 09:33

unbelievable!! she looks sooooo much like my little niece улыбаюсь ))

Brenda Bohannon Brenda Bohannon #2 пт 20 июл 2001 09:36

Ooooh Mary!!! This is INCREDIBLE! What an absolutely beautiful capture! :~))

Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #3 пт 20 июл 2001 09:36

Oh my... 1st class work to the nth degree! To my favorites this goes...

Harvey Edelman Harvey Edelman #4 пт 20 июл 2001 15:29

One of your best Mary.

tata tata #6 пт 20 июл 2001 17:27

очень трогательно
Very touchingly

Sergej Ryzhkov Sergej Ryzhkov #7 пт 20 июл 2001 20:44

The excellent work, but does not suffice to it a place! The snapshot is cut too off!

Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #8 пт 20 июл 2001 21:18

Very lovely! The curiosity of a child!!! I love to watch children experiencing aspects of life for the first time. This reminds me of my daughter`s first experience with the ocean. She got a facefull of salty ater just like I did when I was tiny. A thoughtful photo from a thoughtful photographer... WONDERFUL!!!

Lee Nelson Lee Nelson #9 сб 21 июл 2001 01:36

What a classic Mary. This is just about the cutest thing I`ve seen lately. Don`t know why exactlly Mary, but I just somehow feel this must occupy a very special place in your memory.

april coleman april coleman #10 сб 21 июл 2001 07:08

Oooh, C. What a gorgeous little girl, beautiful capture. You have such a gift for these kind of photos.

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #11 сб 21 июл 2001 07:23

Too precious for words! This photo speaks of many moods and emotions. The wonderment of a child and at the same time the acceptance of a child in whatever realm they encounter.

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #13 вс 22 июл 2001 11:47

I haven`t seen that one Mary as I was away for a couple of days, but wouldn`t miss it for the world what a wonderful capture...Congratulations !!!

P. Schwarz P. Schwarz #14 вт 11 сен 2001 23:54

Very nice soft colors and You captured her "look" forever!

strelka strelka #15 чт 8 май 2003 18:27
