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Фото "City of Tavira"

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City of Tavira
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Tavira (Portuguese pronunciation: [tɐˈviɾɐ]) is a Portuguese city, situated at 37°07' north, 7°39' west in the east of the Algarve on the south coast of Portugal.[1] It is 30 km east of Faro and 160 km west of Seville in Spain. The Gilão River meets the Atlantic Ocean in Tavira.
Bronze Age to the Roman Empire

Tavira medieval bridge.
Tavira's origins date back to the late Bronze Age (1.000-800 BC). In the 8th century BC it became one of the first Phoenician settlements in the Iberian West. The Phoenicians created a colonial urban center here with massive walls, at least two temples, two harbours and a regular urban structure. Phoenician Tavira existed until the end of 6th Century BC, when it was destroyed by conflict.

It is thought its original name was Baal Saphon, named after the Phoenician Thunder and Sea god. This name later became Balsa.

After a century of being abandoned, the settlement recovered, during the urban bloom that characterised the so called Tartessian Period, and became bigger than ever. This second urban center, Tartessian Tavira, was also abandoned by the end of the 4th Century BC.

The main centre then moved to nearby Cerro do Cavaco, a fortified hill occupied until the time of Emperor Augustus.

The Roman Empire to the Moorish Conquest

During the time of Caesar, the Romans created a new port, some 7 km from Tavira, named Balsa. Balsa became a big town, in fact much bigger than Tavira, that grew, prospered and decayed in parallel with the Roman Empire. When the Moors conquered Iberia, in the 8th Century, Balsa was already extinct as a town.

Under Roman rule, Tavira was a secondary passing place on the important road between Balsa and Baesuris (today Castro Marim).

Moorish Rule

Santiago church
The Moorish occupation of Tavira between the 8th and 13th centuries left its mark on the agriculture, architecture and culture of the area. That influence can still be seen in Tavira today with its whitewashed buildings, Moorish style doors and rooftops. A castle, two mosques and palaces were built by the Moors. The impressive seven arched "Roman bridge" is now not considered to be Roman after a recent archaeological survey, but originates from a 12th Century Moorish bridge. This was a good time economically for Tavira, which established itself an important port for sailors and fishermen. The area stayed rural until the 11th Century when Moorish Tavira (from the Arabic Tabira, "the hidden") started to grow rapidly, becoming one of the important (and independent) towns of the Algarve, then the South-Western extreme of Gharb al-Andalus (the West of Islamic Iberian territories).

(Extensive bibliography about these historical periods can be seen at www.arqueotavira.com)

The Reconquista

In 1242 Dom Paio Peres Correia took Tavira back from the Moors in a bloody conflict of retaliation after seven of his principal Knights were killed during a period of truce, the population of the town was decimated during this battle. Christians were now back in control of Tavira and though most Muslims left the town some remained in a Moorish quarter known as "Mouraria".

The 1755 Earthquake

In the 17th Century the port on its river was of considerable importance, shipping produce such as salt, dried fish and wine. Like most of the Algarve its buildings were virtually all destroyed by the earthquake of 1755. This earthquake is thought to have reached a magnitude of 9 on the Richter scale and caused extensive damage throughout the Algarve due to shockwaves and tsunamis. The earthquake is referred to as the Lisbon Earthquake due to its terrible effects on the capital city, although the epicentre was some 200 km west-southwest of Cape St. Vincent in the Algarve.

*From Wikipedia 
пт 27 июл 2012 17:53
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Марина Июльская Марина Июльская #1 пт 27 июл 2012 18:17

Lovely! I definitely must come to Portugal some day улыбаюсь

Joaquim Simoes Joaquim Simoes #7 пт 27 июл 2012 20:54

No doubt about it!!!!!
It´s really a wonderful place!!!
Vey nice people... fantastic and very tasty food...
very good wine.... a very warm weather... lovely beaches... wonderful landscapes....

Rich Read Rich Read #2 пт 27 июл 2012 18:26

Very interesting!
Thank you for posting this.

Александр Ларионов Александр Ларионов #3 пт 27 июл 2012 19:17

Очень красиво, друг мой!

Светлана Кухтина Светлана Кухтина #5 пт 27 июл 2012 19:37

Beautifully shows like this! улыбаюсь

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #6 пт 27 июл 2012 20:12

beautiful architecture, well done!

Алиса Швоева Алиса Швоева #8 пт 27 июл 2012 21:39

Calm, comfortable city! The Beautiful reflection and colour! Thank you for excellent commentary! Alisa.

Eldon Ormsby Eldon Ormsby #9 сб 28 июл 2012 00:50

A beautiful scene ,well captured.

Xavier Cuadrada Xavier Cuadrada #10 сб 28 июл 2012 13:09

Excellent composition!!