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Photo "Stevns Klint"

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Stevns Klint cr
The Cliff consists of limestone and chalk, and a look through these layers gives a fascinating view of Danish history. One of the more fascinating facts of this layout is the layer that divides the two. The Fish Layer, which consists, as is evident from the name, of fossils of fish and fish gills. One of the most fascinating aspects of the Cliffs is the geological discovery of a high amount of iridium, which tells a tale of a world wide natural disaster 65 million years ago. At Hoejerup the Fish Layer can be spotted approximately halfway down the Cliff.

The Chalk layer began assembling approximately 70 million years ago, and is the foundation of the Cliffs. Within this layer discoveries of fossilised sharks and crocodiles from the Late Cretaceous Period have shed light on some of the animals that lived near The Cliff of Stevns initially, if you’re lucky, you may even be able to spot some of these remnants. However, if you cannot spot this, then a visit to Stevns museum is always advisable if you’re interested in fossils.

At the edge of The Cliff of Stevns there is a Church- Højerup old Church that was built in the 13th century. Legend tells us that the church moves inland each year on Christmas Night; however this could not avert the natural disaster that struck in 1928: one of the fascinating stories in this region is the fact that due to water erosion the church tower collapsed in 1928 and landed on the beach. Each year approximately 10 cm (Approx. 5 inches) of the Cliff is swallowed by continual water erosion. Originally the church was built 50 m. inland of the Cliffs edge, and now the church stands at the water edge. In order to avert further disasters the Church has had a support wall built on the cliff, and at sea level a rock formation has been strategically positioned to avoid further corrosion in the near future. During daytime there is free entrance to the church, and make sure that if you do visit to go on the balcony and take in the stunning view.

Next to Hoejrup old Church (Højerup gl. Kirke) a flight of stairs leads downward to the beach. The beach with its limestone is not created for an extended exceedingly saunter; however it is impressive to see the Cliffs from the beach. If you are at the church, make sure you do take this walk, it is especially beautiful during the noon hour, and in the early morning where it looks extraordinary. 
Thu 6 Sep 2012 00:32
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Александр Ларионов Александр Ларионов #1 mon 10 Sep 2012 19:32

Очень красиво!