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Фото "roofs 3"

фото "roofs 3" метки: путешествия, черно-белые, Азия
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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roofs 3
ср 11 июн 2003 10:51
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (7 из 7)
все комментарии по убыванию
Igor Laptev Igor Laptev #1 ср 11 июн 2003 11:02

Very nice shot!

mn mn #2 ср 11 июн 2003 11:29

Great Shot but we can not see the details...

Bernard Duhamel Bernard Duhamel #3 ср 11 июн 2003 13:33

I know, for such pictures where the overall impact seems more important than details, I try to make them as light as possible.
Seems better for the website.

Well, perhaps I was a little bit `extreme` on that one (only 25 kB)...

Anyway, thanks a lot for your critics

Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #4 ср 11 июн 2003 14:36

Very nice panoramic. A little bigger and it would be still with more impact. This Image is an excellent photograph. My congratulations, Bernard

Bernard Duhamel Bernard Duhamel #7 чт 12 июн 2003 05:35

OK OK, here it is, I uploaded it again, a little larger.

Thanks for your critics !

Aguinaldo Calheiros Vera-Cruz Aguinaldo Calheiros Vera-Cruz #5 ср 11 июн 2003 21:37

Excellent B&W composition

Lucaz - Luis Costa Lucaz - Luis Costa #6 ср 11 июн 2003 22:50

Very nice work, regards!