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Фото "Horizontal Abstract"

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Horizontal Abstract
пт 27 июл 2001 01:21
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комментарии (8 из 8)
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Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #1 пт 27 июл 2001 01:40

Wahoo, Mary! This is awesome. Unexpected! And, believe me, I`m not just saying this to smooth things over from before. I`m not a fan of that. This really is very interesting. If you ever catch the same situation again, I wonder what an image with the person`s reflection to either side of the photo, and some other object elsewhere in the picture, would look like.

Harvey Edelman Harvey Edelman #2 пт 27 июл 2001 04:37

Mary this picture could be your logo.

Луиза Луиза #3 пт 27 июл 2001 05:11

Oh ! This is very very nice. Original and creative. Nice lively red color and interesting.

Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #4 пт 27 июл 2001 05:15

Even thoug this may not be a lady, my mind muses about the Lady of the Lake frpm the King Arthur stories. How she lifted high Excaliber from the watery depths of the lake to help restore Arthur to the throne of Britain. I think the photo is great!

Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #5 пт 27 июл 2001 07:48


sophie sophie #6 пт 27 июл 2001 10:19

very good, impresionistic.

Brenda Bohannon Brenda Bohannon #7 сб 28 июл 2001 06:51

Beaitiful capture, Mary, good eye! :~)

Феодосий Задунайский Феодосий Задунайский #8 чт 27 сен 2001 23:07

One of the most freak and `sui generis` abstracts I`ve ever seen.