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Фото "Corridor"

фото "Corridor" метки: путешествия, черно-белые, Азия
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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ср 2 июл 2003 14:32
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комментарии (8 из 8)
все комментарии по убыванию
Pedro Borges Pedro Borges #1 ср 2 июл 2003 14:39

Excellent photo, great depth of field. Excellent composition... Love it...

Виктор Галактионов Виктор Галактионов #2 ср 2 июл 2003 15:27


C. A. C. A. #3 ср 2 июл 2003 16:19

Unusual and interesting motive. Very nice perspective!

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #5 чт 3 июл 2003 07:03

I really like the tight cropping and vertical format of this shot that adds to the feeling of the closeness of the surrounding walls. Very interesting details and wonderful DOF. Great work, Bernard! WOW! улыбаюсь

David Wu David Wu #6 чт 3 июл 2003 13:48

There`s in Shanghai or Guangzhou china?The lady`s place in the image and her expression are not the best,
are you?
God bless my poor english:-)

Bernard Duhamel Bernard Duhamel #8 пт 4 июл 2003 05:58

That`s Shanghai. I agree with you : I did not focus on the lady, because I did not plan her to come out !
I just wanted to shoot the alley with the bikes.
Anyway, I think she adds some life to the picture.

Thanks for your critics, and your english is very good !


Bernard Duhamel Bernard Duhamel #7 пт 4 июл 2003 05:56

That`s Shanghai. I agree with you : I did not focus on the lady, because I did not plan her to come out !
I just wanted to shoot the alley with the bikes.
Anyway, I think she adds some life to the picture.

Thanks for your critics, and your english is very good !


Eugene Suharnikov Eugene Suharnikov #9 чт 4 сен 2003 12:03

another fantastic image, very Asian (and quite wet:)