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Фото "The Blues Brothers"

фото "The Blues Brothers" метки: юмор,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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The Blues Brothers
пт 10 авг 2001 02:11
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Феодосий Задунайский Феодосий Задунайский #1 пт 10 авг 2001 02:23

Incredible couple, Mary.

Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #2 пт 10 авг 2001 03:00

Very nice shot - They look like they see a cat or a crow - I love watching bluejay chase down crows and hawks. My father, in New Jersey, has a few blues that like to take peanuts from your hand.

april coleman april coleman #3 пт 10 авг 2001 03:42

Mary this is an incredible shot - wild birds can be so hard to capture, and the tilt of their heads is priceless - as is your title!! Terrific!

Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #4 пт 10 авг 2001 04:28

Wonderful... colors and DOF couldn`t be better.

Wahid Noureldin Wahid Noureldin #5 пт 10 авг 2001 05:46

Excellent lovely capture, Mary.

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #6 пт 10 авг 2001 06:58

Ohhhh! *LOL* I love this. The title is so fitting! I love these bird shots of yours and your humorous titles. улыбаюсь

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #7 пт 10 авг 2001 13:32

How did you get them to pose for you :~)) beautiful capture.

Don Jette Don Jette #8 чт 5 дек 2002 07:47

Great shot Mary