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Фото "Tempers Flare...."

фото "Tempers Flare...." метки: юмор, природа, дикие животные
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Tempers Flare....
During the recent heat wave .. 
ср 15 авг 2001 01:20
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комментарии (11 из 11)
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Todd Hansell Todd Hansell #1 ср 15 авг 2001 01:44

Why is it always the females seem to like "getting to it"... These two lady birds are fighting over the last scraps in the feader. The jay can be louder but the cardinal can be more persistant. I had a female cardinal outide my house for weeks sitting just outside of windows taunting my three cats. She is probably outside the window today.

Mary Waters Mary Waters #2 ср 15 авг 2001 02:27

How do you know it`s a "lady-jay?".....thanx 4 the comment...

Wahid Noureldin Wahid Noureldin #3 ср 15 авг 2001 03:41

How do you manage to catch them always in such serious discussions, Mary? Pity left tail is cut off.

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #4 ср 15 авг 2001 04:57

Great capture.

Aunjerli Aunjerli #5 ср 15 авг 2001 05:23

Well caught, the scan or film possibly both letting you down. I am rating a frame that was seen asnd shot because you saw it and others would walk by. well done.

Луиза Луиза #6 ср 15 авг 2001 06:12

Wow really nice. Also nice composition and colours that compliment each other. I find it difficult to photography birds or other animals not to say put it in a nice composition. They never sit still ... Good job.

Greg Summers Greg Summers #7 ср 15 авг 2001 06:28

I think these have to males at least the big one - where do you see these things - all i ever see are stalings and little brown birds that peck for food or sit on wires. You get entire comic strips

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #8 ср 15 авг 2001 07:02

Really nice, Mary! The `body language` of these birds speaks for itself. The female Cardinal sure looks like she is not going to give up her ground! *S* Great capture!

april coleman april coleman #9 ср 15 авг 2001 07:13

The girls most always win in the bird world улыбаюсь there are some things I know about, this is one!

Brenda Bohannon Brenda Bohannon #10 ср 15 авг 2001 23:40

these just keep getting beter and better, mary! you must have quite a stake out! GREAT capture! :~)

P. Schwarz P. Schwarz #11 сб 29 сен 2001 23:52

What a beautiful photo, Mary! Great composition and so Colorful!