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Фото "Nightlights"

фото "Nightlights" метки: пейзаж, закат
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комментарии (10 из 10)
все комментарии по убыванию
Луиза Луиза #1 чт 23 авг 2001 05:48

This looks magical and I absolutly love the hot colours, the clean and sharp quality of the photography.

Juan Sebastian Sepulveda Juan Sebastian Sepulveda #2 чт 23 авг 2001 07:46

I like this, the orange tones are fine and the lamp at first plane brokes the more classical approach of silouhettes agains a fine last light sky

Brenda Bohannon Brenda Bohannon #3 чт 23 авг 2001 07:52

Oooh! I`m so glad I popped in here just in time to find this in recent comments! It`s FANTASTIC!!!

Melanie Kipp Melanie Kipp #5 чт 23 авг 2001 08:35

I about fell off my chair when this opened up! WoW!

Mary Waters Mary Waters #6 чт 23 авг 2001 08:50

very nice, Sandra..I like the dual meaning of the title. nice contrasts between those lights and the beautiful sunset..was this taken last night, per chance??? the sunset here was a killer...I posted it yesterday...again....a most enjoyable image to study and reflect upon..

Sergej Ryzhkov Sergej Ryzhkov #7 чт 23 авг 2001 09:45

As the snake with three heads or it is more similar even to the nobiliary arms

Геннадий Гуляев Геннадий Гуляев #8 чт 23 авг 2001 18:55

Привет,Сандра! Клевые у тебя фонарики! Это где такие?

april coleman april coleman #9 пт 24 авг 2001 21:33

Sandrita - lovely! *s*

Pedro Ramalho Pedro Ramalho #11 чт 17 окт 2002 00:42

Beautiful composition with a Super light control.
Wonderful colors combination.
Congrats Sandra for this excellent photo.

Игорь Бо Игорь Бо #12 вт 27 май 2003 22:26

It is beautifull!