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Фото "The old lighthouse."

фото "The old lighthouse." метки: разное,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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The old lighthouse.
чт 1 апр 2004 12:43
цифровая фотокамера Minolta Dimage 7
объектив Minolta
фотовспышка Minolta
сканер HP
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комментарии (15 из 19)
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Timo Laaksonen Timo Laaksonen #1 чт 1 апр 2004 14:18

Those bright boats really draw an eye but unfortenatly too much. Battle between boats, lighthouse and streetlight makes picture sord of restless.
Tighter crop from left and up it would be more peaceful and still there`s enough details for longer view.


Tim Sutton Tim Sutton #2 чт 1 апр 2004 15:35

Timo, you are the first person to give me constructive comments on my photographs and for that I am very grateful. You have made very valid points and your opinion is well received.
Thank you

Timo Laaksonen Timo Laaksonen #3 чт 1 апр 2004 17:45

I think this is the way how photographs should be critizided. Not only by numbers and "great" and "nice" comments.

When you do it other than your own native lanquage there`s big phossibility to get missunderstud. I think this is a big reason why international photosite`s are mostly places for "show-out".

My way:
Allways when You look pictures what will take lot of pluses and dozens of comments You should ask, Why (it is so good), Where (is the difference, what makes it better than others), How (can i improve my pictures for same level). Thats one of the ways to get better pictures and I don`t mean to start copying anyones style `cause it doesn`t get You anywhere.

Huh.. probably the longest comment what i have been ever written in this site подмигиваю

Tim Sutton Tim Sutton #4 чт 1 апр 2004 18:21

What you say makes sense (your English is good). I wrote a comment on one of the forums to say just that, we amateurs are looking for consturctive critism from good photographers, maybe with hints as to how to improve. It`s the only proper way ..... I think.

I like your idea about looking at other pictures to see where to improve.
Thanks Timo
Kind regards

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #5 чт 1 апр 2004 21:48

where is that, Tim?
good composition

Tim Sutton Tim Sutton #7 пт 2 апр 2004 11:57

Thanks for your comments.This is a little harbour called Lynmouth in Devon (southwest England).

I am going to submit this picture again, but with some changes suggested by Timo Laaksonen.....see what you think on Monday.

yves ralim yves ralim #6 пт 2 апр 2004 09:52

nice tones and effect of colours, good composition

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #8 сб 3 апр 2004 02:09

I like it!!!!
Well done Tim!

Tim Sutton Tim Sutton #12 пн 5 апр 2004 12:35

Berenice, thanks for your comments on both pictures

Avi Baram Avi Baram #9 сб 3 апр 2004 02:41

beautiful shoot.

Tim Sutton Tim Sutton #13 пн 5 апр 2004 12:35

Thanks for taking the time to view my picture

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #10 сб 3 апр 2004 03:23

i`ll try to see it, on monday
hope i`ll forget it

Have a great weekend

Tim Sutton Tim Sutton #14 пн 5 апр 2004 12:37

Thanks Vale, regards

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #11 сб 3 апр 2004 03:37

Very dramatic composition, nice details and tones Tim, regards!

Tim Sutton Tim Sutton #15 пн 5 апр 2004 12:38

Fernando, thanks again for taking the time to view my picture.