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Photo "J taking a country walk"

photo "J taking a country walk" tags: nude, landscape,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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J taking a country walk
A wonderfully warm day in October 
Fri 9 Apr 2004 12:11
film camera Mamiya RB67 Pro
lens Mamiya Sekor 127mm
scaner Epson GT-9000
comments (6 from 6)
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Brites dos Santos Brites dos Santos #1 Fri 9 Apr 2004 13:22

The strong of the nature...:O)

thoenen walo thoenen walo #2 Fri 9 Apr 2004 14:41



Vincent Arrigali Vincent Arrigali #3 Sat 10 Apr 2004 05:52

Hate to say this but it looks like you pasted her into the photo, Color is off, shadow or black line around her body. Not rating it Sorry

stephen plant stephen plant #4 Sat 10 Apr 2004 11:18

She really was ther Vincent, the sun is low in the sky in October in the UK which has created dark shadows down the left hand edges. They have then been exagerated by the scanner increasing the contrast. The colouring is partly the models tan and partly again the sun at that time of year.

Richard Whittlesey Richard Whittlesey #5 Sun 11 Apr 2004 09:25

Nice shot.

Quynh Ton Quynh Ton #6 Wed 9 Jun 2004 18:55

Nice shot and model!