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Photo "Untitled photo"

photo "Untitled photo" tags: macro and close-up,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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comments (7 from 7)
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Jill Coleman Jill Coleman #1 Sun 8 Aug 2004 00:03

Outstanding originality!

Richard Whittlesey Richard Whittlesey #2 Sun 8 Aug 2004 02:42

Great work.

Remi Aerts Remi Aerts #3 Sun 8 Aug 2004 08:41

well done

Oleg Stukalov Oleg Stukalov #4 Sun 8 Aug 2004 18:46

Очень своеобразное фото. Даже мнение о нем не сразу сложилось.
Авторское видение сюжета и уникальная обработка, этого не отнять. Но чего-то не хватает ... мне кажется, что баланс немного смещен в правую сторону. Она перевешивает за счет светлых пятен под ногами. Но все равно, оригинальность налицо!

Very original photo. Even the opinion on it not at once has developed. Author`s vision of a plot and unique processing to not take away it. But something does not suffice... It seems to me, that the balance is a little displaced in the right party. She outweighs due to light spots under legs. But all the same, originality is available!

Michael McCann Michael McCann #5 Sun 8 Aug 2004 19:02

Fantastic technique! Congrats.

Andrzej Jobczyk Andrzej Jobczyk #6 mon 9 Aug 2004 00:25

the black area is a real reflection of a part of the bridg behind the worm. I just added more contast to the picture that`s why it looks like that

Shamsun Noor Saady Shamsun Noor Saady #7 Tue 10 Aug 2004 08:22

excelant composition.