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Photo "Oasis in desert"

photo "Oasis in desert" tags: travel, landscape, Africa
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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comments (4 from 4)
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Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #1 mon 10 Dec 2001 11:05

Good combination between sand, green plants and blue sky with proper portions.

peter o neill peter o neill #2 mon 10 Dec 2001 11:33

Postcard image. Well done

Peter Schwarz Peter Schwarz #3 mon 10 Dec 2001 22:32

Wonderful rich colors and Great composition - Excellent shot!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #4 Sat 21 Dec 2002 16:55

Very beautiful composition and perspective!!!!!