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Фото "White Pelicans"

фото "White Pelicans" метки: природа, дикие животные
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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White Pelicans
White Pelicans, Everglades National Park, Florida 
вт 11 дек 2001 06:53
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Peter Wallack Peter Wallack #1 вт 11 дек 2001 07:31


I think from all the shots I have showed these people they think all the birds pose for use. OH, No! They pretty much live in social groups like this than one we actually are ready to exhibit.

Peter Wallack, BirdsofSanibel, Your Stuck With Me Dear Friend

Mary Waters Mary Waters #2 вт 11 дек 2001 08:03

being an avid bird lover.....this image is interesting..the guy in the front is beautiful...as well as the water surrounding him.actually , the others in the back-ground don`t distract from this image...nice job...next time..see if you can hone in on one subject in that glorious blue water...

RMB RMB #3 вт 11 дек 2001 13:10

Great image... I like individualistic look of that bird and central composition is a great thing here!

Jason Mckeown Jason Mckeown #4 пт 14 дек 2001 11:38

wow says it all this is a great photo how the hell did you get him to look at you at what looks to be dinner time