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Фото "Here comes the rain..."

фото "Here comes the rain..." метки: черно-белые,
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Here comes the rain...
пт 29 апр 2005 00:15
сканер Nikon epson
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комментарии (10 из 10)
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Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #1 пт 29 апр 2005 00:26

Excellent perspective, well seen!

Lynn Ferbert Lynn Ferbert #7 чт 5 май 2005 19:41

Thanks so much, coming from some one of your talents it really means a lot!

Mike Lee Mike Lee #2 пт 29 апр 2005 01:43

Great perspective and tone. Well done Lynn.--Michael Lee

Lynn Ferbert Lynn Ferbert #10 чт 5 май 2005 19:44


Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #3 пт 29 апр 2005 01:59

dramatic mood!
beautiful composition, Lynn!!

Lynn Ferbert Lynn Ferbert #8 чт 5 май 2005 19:42

Thanks so much for the comment, believe it or not it was a beautiful day!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #4 пт 29 апр 2005 03:36

Excellent perspective with very beautiful tones!
Well seen Lynn!

Lynn Ferbert Lynn Ferbert #9 чт 5 май 2005 19:44

Thankyou very much улыбаюсь

flemming rasmussen flemming rasmussen #5 пт 29 апр 2005 09:39

Wonderful composition.

nelson del Castillo nelson del Castillo #6 вт 3 май 2005 22:37

Excellent shot.