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Фото "going for broke"

фото "going for broke" метки: природа, дикие животные
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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going for broke
I lyaerd on the ground to get eye level with the dogs and this was the majic bullet in the equation. The backgrounds were awfull and had to completely eliminate them to improve esthectics. Think I will go again this winter had fun and got some great shots. Did send some of to a mushing mag but no luck 
ср 21 сен 2005 00:34
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комментарии (9 из 9)
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A. Girao A. Girao #1 ср 21 сен 2005 00:47

Excellent capture, well taken, glen!

Thomas Andersen Thomas Andersen #2 ср 21 сен 2005 00:58

Great composition, good drama whit the angel of view.

:o) Thomas

Chet King Chet King #3 ср 21 сен 2005 01:13

No matter Glen, it's still a great shot.

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #4 ср 21 сен 2005 02:08

Excellent capture.
Great colours, light and details.


flemming rasmussen flemming rasmussen #5 ср 21 сен 2005 09:43

Fine shot.

PeSOKOT PeSOKOT #6 ср 21 сен 2005 11:02

It's very interesting and dynamic photo!

Igor Mitkevich Igor Mitkevich #7 ср 21 сен 2005 13:51

Excellent capture.
Great colours, light and details.

Jorge Rosa Jorge Rosa #8 ср 21 сен 2005 19:37

Very good shot, well captured!

Jaak BELLEN Jaak BELLEN #9 ср 21 сен 2005 22:06

Great capture. Excellent use of dof and even the snow has natural colours. Excellent job.
Kind Regards,

Jaak Bellen.