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Фото "Landing"

фото "Landing" метки: пейзаж, путешествия, Европа, облака
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (15 из 23)
все комментарии по убыванию
Виктория Виктория #1 пн 25 фев 2002 15:08

Nice улыбаюсь ))

Tadeu Gouveia Tadeu Gouveia #2 пн 25 фев 2002 15:11

Well done!!!!!

Babette Babette #3 пн 25 фев 2002 15:43

Fantastic! Very inspiring Gudrun! Such a turmoil of clouds :0

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #4 пн 25 фев 2002 15:58

Very good shot!


Magnificent shot, the big mood!

Per Bjarne Per Bjarne #6 пн 25 фев 2002 18:26

Where were you, in a para-suite..???

Gudrun Svenda Gudrun Svenda #8 пн 25 фев 2002 21:31

Response to Per Bjarne`s comment:
Hi Per улыбаюсь I just jumped with my prepared and adjusted cam when I saw the flyer comeing and nearly forgot to pull the

Gudrun Svenda Gudrun Svenda #9 пн 25 фев 2002 21:42

Response to Per Bjarne`s comment:
Hi Per улыбаюсь I just jumped with my prepared and adjusted cam when I saw the flyer comeing and nearly forgot to pull the line ... подмигиваю
I shot it with a 2x digizoom.

Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #10 пн 25 фев 2002 22:01

Excellent shot!
My regards

CF CF #12 пн 25 фев 2002 23:19

Wonderful image.

P. Schwarz P. Schwarz #13 вт 26 фев 2002 01:31

I wonder how you shoot it..... Wonderful and impressive - Great shot, Gudrun!

Val Nick Val Nick #14 вт 26 фев 2002 02:22

Great composition , interesting shot!

Gudrun Svenda Gudrun Svenda #15 вт 26 фев 2002 03:02

Response to Peter Schwarz`s comment:
I shot it with my new toy (which has a strong telezoom)out from my window yesterday in the afternoon, then cropped the original and used the right upper corner for this picture. That way the impress, that I`m myself high up in the sky, is much stronger. Thanks Peter for your comment улыбаюсь

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #16 вт 26 фев 2002 08:49

Turbulence! Yikes! улыбаюсь

Закадр Закадр #17 вт 26 фев 2002 13:28

Interesting shot, Gudi улыбаюсь