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Фото "Hopeful Sky's Dream"

фото "Hopeful Sky's Dream" метки: пейзаж, вода, облака
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Hopeful Sky's Dream
As rains threaten a dark turbulent sky
A rainbow appears bringing colors to greys
and lanterns to the dark.
Yes there is hope again til thunderous skies
roar once more. 
пт 7 окт 2005 03:24
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Марианна Дюгаева Марианна Дюгаева #1 пт 7 окт 2005 03:54

Beautiful !

Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #2 пт 7 окт 2005 03:56

Amazing view
Excellent rainbow capture, Michael

fele fele #3 пт 7 окт 2005 03:56

Very charming shot Mike! I like very much this water and the sky. Best compliments!

Brites dos Santos Brites dos Santos #4 пт 7 окт 2005 03:57

Good angle. Nice rainbow capture.

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #5 пт 7 окт 2005 04:28

Fantastic light. The rainbow adds to the scene. Best regards.

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #6 пт 7 окт 2005 04:42

Fantastic scene captured here Michael !!
my congratolactions

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #7 пт 7 окт 2005 07:09

Wonderful view you captured here, my friend!
Great work!!!
Warm regards!

Яранта Яранта #9 пт 7 окт 2005 08:47

Beautiful work!
Best regards!

Вадим Никитин Вадим Никитин #10 пт 7 окт 2005 09:21

a lot of space and holly

Michael Lucero Michael Lucero #11 пт 7 окт 2005 09:41

Thanks Petros I had noticed the noise... Will give that a try.... I have another in the series, let me know what you think... I apreciate your input, best regards my friend.

chandru shahani chandru shahani #12 пт 7 окт 2005 09:49

This is such a good composition...shows to be masterful
and artistic. My old monitor does not reveal the noise!

Michael Lucero Michael Lucero #13 пт 7 окт 2005 09:58

I am trying to decide if its the mist of rain that was present or noise.... I am using a flat panel, that could be a factor.... But I will attempt to perfect the image.... Your input is apreciated, in anycase.... For I tend to focus on one thing and miss others... Warm regard my friend.

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #14 пт 7 окт 2005 11:25

Magnificent composition!!!

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #15 пт 7 окт 2005 11:48

great atmosphere; have a good weekend

Jorge Rosa Jorge Rosa #16 пт 7 окт 2005 13:44

Very nice blue tones, well seen and captured!