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Фото ""It`s A Rural Thing""

фото ""It`s A Rural Thing"" метки: пейзаж, зима
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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"It`s A Rural Thing"
and it looks like it`s going "to weather."...a slang term that folks use here in the mountains of Virginia.... 
чт 7 мар 2002 00:53
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комментарии (15 из 18)
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Pedro Monteiro Pedro Monteiro #1 чт 7 мар 2002 01:10

Very nostalgic view of countryside..
We can feel that this is a poor man`s farm, perhaps half abandoned.
Horse adds a sparkle of life to the composition.
And yes, it seems rain showers are on the way...
Another "wonderfully natural" shot from you !!!

Pedro Monteiro Pedro Monteiro #2 чт 7 мар 2002 01:13

Sorry, it´s of course a cow and not a horse.....he he he !

Ulf Pedersen Ulf Pedersen #3 чт 7 мар 2002 01:13


Irina Savkina Irina Savkina #4 чт 7 мар 2002 01:21


Виктория Виктория #5 чт 7 мар 2002 01:37

Excellent colors and composition! улыбаюсь )))

Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #6 чт 7 мар 2002 02:18

Beautiful picture!
Excellent composition and colours!

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #7 чт 7 мар 2002 03:11

Excellent composition with great colours!!

P. Schwarz P. Schwarz #8 чт 7 мар 2002 03:16

Wonderful composition - a very peaceful image - Great shot, Mary!

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #9 чт 7 мар 2002 03:23

Excellent composition and colors!

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #10 чт 7 мар 2002 03:26

Very, very well.

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #11 чт 7 мар 2002 06:50

I can`t say enough about the wonderful impact of this photo. The combination of impending weather (here the terminology is "Looks like it is going to come a cloud...*L*) with the great use of lighting, the cow standing close to shelter...the details...the old silo gleaming so brightly...WOW!!!!!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #12 чт 7 мар 2002 07:32

Beautiful composition!!!!
Congrats, Mary!

Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #13 чт 7 мар 2002 10:18

Very nice composition, great colors and great capture.

Aguinaldo Calheiros Vera-Cruz Aguinaldo Calheiros Vera-Cruz #14 чт 7 мар 2002 10:25

Excellent image !

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #15 чт 7 мар 2002 11:28

Wonderful composition and colours.