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фото "JUST ONE STAIN 2" метки: макро и крупный план, абстракция,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Dear friends
A nice weekend for all.
This picture is the last of sequency"Construction" I think now you will understand the first there is no focus.
By the way, there is no PS here, only the effects of my camera Sony F828.
пт 25 ноя 2005 15:25
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комментарии (15 из 20)
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Александр Дюгаев Александр Дюгаев #1 пт 25 ноя 2005 15:30

a great composition!.. very nice

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #2 пт 25 ноя 2005 15:38

so beautiful corner... regards and congrats

Remi Aerts Remi Aerts #3 пт 25 ноя 2005 15:56

very fine seen colors

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #5 пт 25 ноя 2005 16:07

Great lines, effects and colors!!!!
So beautiful, as usual!!!
Beijo grande!

Desculpe por ontem. Estava em aula. Aula esta que terminou mais cedo. A aluna passou mal. Teve queda de pressao. Me liga!

A. Girao A. Girao #6 пт 25 ноя 2005 16:23

Beautiful work and colours, Cristina!
Jinhos e BFS

luquesio melo luquesio melo #7 пт 25 ноя 2005 18:14

Interesting creative approach, Cristina! Um beijinho.

silvia marmori silvia marmori #8 пт 25 ноя 2005 20:48

superb again cris...
este fds, veo a betina..=)

Cristina Domingos Cristina Domingos #9 пт 25 ноя 2005 21:15

Oi Sil, tudo bem?
Mande um beijo para a Betina, ela é super simpatica.
Quando tiver um tempinho me escreva OK?

Mike Lee Mike Lee #10 сб 26 ноя 2005 00:04

Beautiful tri colored art Cris! Very well done. Best regards, Mike Lee. P.S. I will never figure out how you come up with stuff, and thats a great thing.

Roberto Roberto #11 сб 26 ноя 2005 00:17

Very good composition. Well seen.

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #12 сб 26 ноя 2005 02:39

Wondeful colours combinations!
Beautiful abstract!


Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #13 сб 26 ноя 2005 13:50

great color effects, very fine!

fele fele #14 сб 26 ноя 2005 13:59

Excellent composition, Cristina!
Very good chromatic mastery and sensibility.

Best compliments!!!

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #15 сб 26 ноя 2005 22:27

I do like this one ! Well done ! Kisses , Barry улыбаюсь )))

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #16 пн 28 ноя 2005 01:21

beautiful leaded abstract cris, glorious colours