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Фото "In an Italian afternoon ..."

фото "In an Italian afternoon ..." метки: натюрморт, жанр,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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In an Italian afternoon ...
Buon appetito ... 
вс 22 янв 2006 16:49
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (15 из 31)
все комментарии по убыванию
Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #1 вс 22 янв 2006 17:00

Excellent still. Greetings!

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #2 вс 22 янв 2006 17:01

very good composition; regards

silvia marmori silvia marmori #3 вс 22 янв 2006 17:02

grazie!.. смеюсь
again, you captured the atmosphere, through a great composition, a so good choice of tones and colours, and a perfect light.. very good work, frangel!

Василий Евсеев Василий Евсеев #4 вс 22 янв 2006 18:02

Nice composition. What wine did you use in a glass: Barolo or Barbaresco? улыбаюсь

Frangel Frangel #7 вс 22 янв 2006 19:20

...sure Barolo ...*lol

Simone Pepoli Simone Pepoli #5 вс 22 янв 2006 18:22

Nice tone and colours able to create a good composition.

Molto piacevole > simone

Frangel Frangel #9 вс 22 янв 2006 19:30

Grazie, Simone ... подмигиваю

dominic jacquet dominic jacquet #6 вс 22 янв 2006 19:08

I like the contrast between colours and B-L.That makes me "envy to cook something special, spiced and sweet ..."

Frangel Frangel #8 вс 22 янв 2006 19:22

let it me try then ... *lol

Jaak BELLEN Jaak BELLEN #10 вс 22 янв 2006 20:14

Excellent still. Like the combination of colour and black/white.
Kind regards,

Jaak Bellen.

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #11 вс 22 янв 2006 21:05

Wow, great still composition, Dieter, wonderful work, best regards!

Natalia Di Natalia Di #12 вс 22 янв 2006 21:15

Nice composition ! ! !

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #13 пн 23 янв 2006 00:45

Excellent still life, colours and details are very good!
Well composed!


Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #14 пн 23 янв 2006 01:22

Excellent composition, wonderful light. Good week

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #15 пн 23 янв 2006 08:38

Great mood in this one!
Perfect composition!