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"The historic or classic vehicles, were loaded of enchantments and seduction. One of the magical details that they had was the cover of the radiator, transformed into a precious and peculiar filigree that granted its personality to him, differentiating it from the other vehicles.....".

ср 27 мар 2002 21:07
пленочная камера Nikon F5
фотовспышка Nikon SB-28 (Matricial)
сканер Nikon Film Scanner LS-30
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (10 из 10)
все комментарии по убыванию
Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #1 ср 27 мар 2002 21:28

Excellent composition with very good details! Great shot, Javier!

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #2 ср 27 мар 2002 22:08

Excellent detail !

Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #3 ср 27 мар 2002 23:51

Excellent detail!
Perfect composition!

Виктория Виктория #4 чт 28 мар 2002 00:19

Great улыбаюсь )
Love the background улыбаюсь

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #5 чт 28 мар 2002 00:30

Fantastic composition!!!!
Congrats, Javier!

JORGE JACINTO JORGE JACINTO #6 чт 28 мар 2002 04:25

Great !

Babette Babette #7 чт 28 мар 2002 19:26

Looks great!

Надежда Квитка Надежда Квитка #8 сб 30 мар 2002 14:54

Purposeful such...
It is pleasant..

Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #9 вс 7 апр 2002 10:28

The background`s colors impact the image, nice job.

kidhornet kidhornet #10 вт 19 ноя 2002 00:15

Fantastic picture!!!
Defenitly a favorit!!!
The composition is fantastic and the background is... !!!
My congratulations!!