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Фото "Arches under one roof"

фото "Arches under one roof" метки: путешествия, Европа
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Arches under one roof
место съемки:
ср 15 фев 2006 21:15
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (15 из 24)
все комментарии по убыванию
silvia marmori silvia marmori #1 ср 15 фев 2006 21:24

how nice, chandru.. excellent point of view.. perfect light..such place!

Linda Mercaldo Linda Mercaldo #2 ср 15 фев 2006 21:38

Oh!! Excellent shot and prespective !Fabolulouse work! Congrats улыбаюсь )

miguel miguel #3 ср 15 фев 2006 21:40

Well seen and captured. Nice perspective and soft colors.

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #4 ср 15 фев 2006 21:54

very well seen, nice place, fine color composition!

Ion Popa Ion Popa #5 ср 15 фев 2006 22:09

I love Prague very much!!!

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #6 ср 15 фев 2006 22:19

Good perspective and nice light. Regards.

Brian Swift Brian Swift #7 чт 16 фев 2006 00:25

Obvious ancient piece of architecturewith good lighting and tones.Very atmospheric.Congrats Chandru.

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #8 чт 16 фев 2006 02:48

Good perspective of this place, nice details captured!
Well composed !


B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #9 чт 16 фев 2006 04:08

Very well taken my friend ! Warm regards .
Barry улыбаюсь ))))

Loreen Smith Loreen Smith #10 чт 16 фев 2006 06:09

Very nice composing Chandru. Now I am ready too for a little vacation.

Ольга Б Ольга Б #11 чт 16 фев 2006 07:02

Excellent prespective and nice details !

Юрий Гогин Юрий Гогин #12 чт 16 фев 2006 08:29

Very beautiful arches!
Excellent perspective!
Best regards

flemming rasmussen flemming rasmussen #13 чт 16 фев 2006 09:39

fine motif.

FelixF FelixF #14 чт 16 фев 2006 10:02

Great perspective

mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #15 чт 16 фев 2006 12:01

good perspective, nice shot; regards