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Фото "Ritual"

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место съемки:
The festivity of Iemanja; is one offering given to the mother of orixas in the cult of the Umbanda. Its commemoration attracts people of all the part and messengers of the spiritual world that, sanctioning the homage one, incorporates in human beings. The party is carried through in the city of Salvador- Bahia at Rio Vermelho beach and is symbol of the culture of this people.

Iemanja in the Umbanda(afro-Brazilian cult proceeding from candomble is recognized as the mother of orixas(saints from candomble)to the side of Oxala the father of orixas. Queen of waters, is very pompous and likes to receive gifts (mirror, comb, bracelet, crown, perfume and flowers). Fish tail Woman, a siren half woman, half fish, much respected by the fishing that have it as its hold to the side of Ours Mrs. of Santana the catholic saint protector of the fishing.

The homage to the mother of waters occurs in two dates: On December 31st (Last day of the year) and on February 02nd. By December, 31st (new year party) Iemanja, together with its children (the orixas), receives gifts from its worshippers who thank the conquests to them of the year that has gone and make new asked for the coming year. On February 02nd Iemanja formal date, the gifts and wishes are only headed for her. The gifts and follower’s wishes are placed in together in straw hampers so that they are offered in the sea. 
ср 15 фев 2006 07:03
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Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #1 ср 15 фев 2006 09:47

Fine work!!! It is very thin it is transferred exspressive this moment! Magnificent quality!!! My congratulations!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #2 ср 15 фев 2006 13:40

Great composition... Very well seen!!!!
Excellent B&W work!!!
Meu amigo, estou gostando!!!!!

silvia marmori silvia marmori #3 ср 15 фев 2006 19:39

i am in delight with the series.. it makes me remember and feel again all that magic place!

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #4 ср 15 фев 2006 22:29

Very well captured.
Adorei esta serie de detalhes. Beijos.

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #5 ср 15 фев 2006 22:59

Thanks for the notes.
Beautiful b&w and details.


Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #6 пт 24 фев 2006 17:52

Thanks for the notes, beautiful B&W. Regards