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Фото "" Chantilly Lace"."

фото "" Chantilly Lace"." метки: природа, путешествия, Северная Америка, цветы
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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" Chantilly Lace".
место съемки:
Chantilly Lace had a pretty face.
, and a pony tail hanging down.
And a wiggle in her walk , and a giggle in her talk.
Make the world go 'round.
Ain't nothing in the world like a big eyed girl.
Make me act so funny ,make me spend my money.
Make me feel so loose like a long necked goose.
Like a-- oh baby , thats what I like !

Words courtesy of The Late Big Bopper who was killed in a plane crash Feb. 3rd. 1959 along with Ritchie Valens and Buddy Holly ! Pilot Roger Peterson was also killed. Giving up his seat to Ritchie Valens who was sick , was Waylon Jennings ! Enjoy the photo , the story and the songs , if you look up the people ! Barry :=))) 
сб 18 фев 2006 08:18
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комментарии (15 из 28)
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chandru shahani chandru shahani #1 сб 18 фев 2006 08:50

It has so marvellous colors
and your work very much succeeded.

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #12 сб 18 фев 2006 19:36

Thank you Chandru my friend ! Warm regards.
Barry улыбаюсь )))

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #2 сб 18 фев 2006 11:08

Beautiful petals, so delicate ,and colour is just perfect!
Congrats улыбаюсь

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #9 сб 18 фев 2006 19:33

Thank you dear Nada ! Warm regards .
Barry улыбаюсь )))

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #10 сб 18 фев 2006 19:33

Thank you Petros my friend ! Warm regards .
Barry улыбаюсь ))

silvia marmori silvia marmori #4 сб 18 фев 2006 14:11

excelent texture and colours.. delicate at all, barry!.. and an interesting story!
have a nice week end!.. hugs to patti and you!

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #13 сб 18 фев 2006 19:39

Thanks dearest Sil ! Have you gotten my mail yet !Empanadas WOW ! Biggest hugs !
Barry улыбаюсь )))
Today we go play in the snow with the jeep.

Ольга Малеева Ольга Малеева #5 сб 18 фев 2006 17:15

It's VERY gentle!

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #14 сб 18 фев 2006 19:39

Thank you Olga ! Warmest regards .
Barry улыбаюсь ))))

Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #6 сб 18 фев 2006 17:44

Lovely soft pink, Barry
Have a nice weekend

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #11 сб 18 фев 2006 19:35

Thank you Vitor ! Taking the jeep up to the snow to play ! Warm regards.
Barry улыбаюсь ))

Galina Gershon Galina Gershon #7 сб 18 фев 2006 18:05

Very beautiful are color of flower and texture of petals

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #8 сб 18 фев 2006 19:32

Thank you Granharvika ! Warm regards.
Barry улыбаюсь )))

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #15 сб 18 фев 2006 19:50

Beautiful and very delicate. Regards.

B.K. von Bernhard B.K. von Bernhard #18 вс 19 фев 2006 04:34

Thank you Regina ! Warm regards .
Barry улыбаюсь )))