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Фото "" Mrs D.W. Davis ""

фото "" Mrs D.W. Davis "" метки: макро и крупный план, природа, цветы
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" Mrs D.W. Davis "
место съемки:
This Camelia Mrs D.W.Davis a nice blush pink which when mature can have wonderfully large flowers,mine hasn't quite reach that full maturity yet,but I am patient.Usually the white to pale pink varieties can get rusty spots on the petals if they have too much rain on them,but I am happy to say that hasn't happened this year.What I want next is a pure white one.Thank you all my Dear Friends for Your Support.Warmest Wishes to You All,Brian. 
пт 3 мар 2006 23:36
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комментарии (11 из 11)
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Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #1 сб 4 мар 2006 03:19

Beautiful soft details and tones in this camelia flower!
Nice light!
Have a good week end Brian!


Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #2 сб 4 мар 2006 05:17

Very delicate, but the light is a bit harsh. Did you use flash? Have a good weekend. Kisses.

Brian Swift Brian Swift #4 сб 4 мар 2006 19:00

Hello Regina,
Thanks for your comment on the Camelia.No I didn't use flash but it was taken under glass so obviously the light wasn't quite rifgt.I will remember that in future.Have a good weekend my Dear Friend.Kisses and a Big Hug.

chandru shahani chandru shahani #3 сб 4 мар 2006 10:51

Never heard the name before! Looks very delicate
and pleasing to the eye.

Kathleen B. Kathleen B. #5 сб 4 мар 2006 23:13

Wonderful Camelia, Brian улыбаюсь

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #6 вс 5 мар 2006 10:09

Wonderful flower!!!
Very delicate work!!!!
HUGS and KISSES to you, my friend!

silvia marmori silvia marmori #7 вс 5 мар 2006 23:27

beautiful camelia, brian.. and so delicate colours...
kisses , my dear friend!

miguel miguel #8 пн 6 мар 2006 18:49

It will reach the maturity for sure my friend Brian. Another piece of charm from you!!! Warm regards.

Таня Шепитько Таня Шепитько #9 пн 6 мар 2006 23:14

So soft and tender. Excellent!

luz fava luz fava #10 вс 12 мар 2006 03:03

beautiful camelia, soft colour.. the photo is marvelous.

Jaak BELLEN Jaak BELLEN #11 пн 13 мар 2006 19:21

Beautiful and soft capture. Winter is lasting in Flanders. -11 at night and barely 2° in the sun with north-easterwind. I think it will be april before my camelia's flower.
Kind regards,

Jaak Bellen.