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Фото "Life in shadows and reflections"

фото "Life in shadows and reflections" метки: натюрморт,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Life in shadows and reflections
место съемки:
A new series: glass, reflections, shadows. 
пн 27 мар 2006 10:27
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комментарии (14 из 14)
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Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #1 пн 27 мар 2006 10:40

nice composition with good reflection!

Viaceslav Viaceslav #2 пн 27 мар 2006 11:11

Хорошая композиция!

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #3 пн 27 мар 2006 11:57

Wel composed still life, great details and colours, fine light and frame!


silvia marmori silvia marmori #4 пн 27 мар 2006 15:28

perfect still!.. i like how you deal with reflections and light in it.. very good!

Kathleen B. Kathleen B. #5 пн 27 мар 2006 20:54

Excellent light and reflection. Good idea and excellent
Have a good week,my friend улыбаюсь

ric alexander ric alexander #6 пн 27 мар 2006 22:57

the photo is good and i wish it was bigger instead of so much frame. It is only my opinion, as i believe photos should be strong enough without much frame, and if it were bigger, this photo would be even better, please do not hide your creative work.

Геннадий Юршевич Геннадий Юршевич #7 вт 28 мар 2006 23:45

интересный натюрморт...хочется размер побольше...

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #8 сб 1 апр 2006 04:00

Pleasant still. Best regards.

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #9 сб 8 апр 2006 08:06

Great still... Perfect!!!!
My congratulations!!!!

miguel miguel #10 вс 9 апр 2006 19:41

Cleverly done. Perfect work.

andre m. andre m. #11 ср 12 апр 2006 00:45

Interesting picture. Good work.

Brites dos Santos Brites dos Santos #13 вт 9 май 2006 22:02

Superb still-life. Well composed.

Michael Krasovskiy Michael Krasovskiy #14 чт 25 май 2006 12:49

Оригинальная идея!

cherry juice cherry juice #15 пн 5 июн 2006 16:09

Интересное решение и оформление!