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Фото "building with rock"

фото "building with rock" метки: разное, архитектура, пейзаж,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (4 из 4)
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Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #1 вт 7 май 2002 19:11

colors!! улыбаюсь like this composition very much!

Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #2 вт 7 май 2002 19:30

Bold cropping I`ve come to expect from your images paired up with an unexpected burst of color makes this thorougly enjoyable. I think what I like most is the playfulness with which the toy-like articles are lined up on, below, and above the building -- all the little latches, and lights, and tubes, and a garbage bin (?). If perceived that way, the rock is a bit of an obstacle to get over, though it has stationed itself (deceptively) out of the way. Then, there`s the whole notion of the rock as an earlier incarnation of the building itself. There`s poetry in warehouses on weekends, after all..:) More in the series?

Сергей Заломанин Сергей Заломанин #3 вт 7 май 2002 21:49


Marita Toftgard Marita Toftgard #5 пн 17 июн 2002 13:40

Love that colour scheme.....
The rock enhances the whole picture.....