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Фото "Untitled"

фото "Untitled" метки: путешествия, Европа
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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пн 20 май 2002 00:59
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комментарии (13 из 13)
все комментарии по убыванию
Teresa Rosa Teresa Rosa #1 пн 20 май 2002 01:02

Very beautiful, Filipe!!!!!

JORGE JACINTO JORGE JACINTO #2 пн 20 май 2002 01:12

Good composition!

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #3 пн 20 май 2002 01:27

Excellent composition, Filipe! Very well seen and taken!

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #4 пн 20 май 2002 01:32

Excellent composition!

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #5 пн 20 май 2002 01:48

I like the `soaring` feeling to this shot. Very nice contrasting colors with great textures. I love the bird who seems to be surveying his kingdom...or maybe just looking for something to eat. улыбаюсь ))

Victor Camara Victor Camara #7 пн 20 май 2002 03:05

Excellent composition. Lovely

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #8 пн 20 май 2002 07:21

Excellent and very beautiful shot!
Congrats, Filipe!

Виктория Виктория #9 пн 20 май 2002 10:30

Excellent composition! Love the colors! улыбаюсь ))

Mario Ferreira Mario Ferreira #10 вт 21 май 2002 00:36


Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #11 вт 21 май 2002 00:57

Excellent composition!
I like specially the texture on rocks!

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #12 ср 22 май 2002 17:43

Vila do Conde?
Excellent Filipe

Vladimir Revic Vladimir Revic #13 чт 23 май 2002 18:34


Marita Toftgard Marita Toftgard #14 чт 30 май 2002 12:57

Interesting photo again....you have done something (maybe lens filters)?...to make the stones look like velvet...I love this.....