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Photo "Cherished lantern..."

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Cherished lantern...
mon 13 Nov 2006 12:24
comments (15 from 18)
all comments descending
Michael Maximov Michael Maximov #1 mon 13 Nov 2006 13:08

хороший сюжет

Roberto Palladini Roberto Palladini #2 mon 13 Nov 2006 13:52

Beautiful capture, nice image. smile

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #3 mon 13 Nov 2006 13:54

Beautiful moment captured and tones!


Olga Maleeva Olga Maleeva #4 mon 13 Nov 2006 14:41

Здорово увидели!

Leonid Belsky Leonid Belsky #5 mon 13 Nov 2006 15:23

Ракурс удачный

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #6 mon 13 Nov 2006 16:18

lovely moment captured, fine tones!

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #7 mon 13 Nov 2006 16:44

Some of them are alone, ... but others wink
Great moment!

OSavchin OSavchin #8 mon 13 Nov 2006 17:02

стёкла фонарей порадовали и очень удачно, что девушка на мосту в камеру смотрит...
имхо, если "вынести за рамку" ту девушку, что слева, драматизм сюжета существенно возрастёт

Larisa Leonova Larisa Leonova #9 mon 13 Nov 2006 22:36

:-) Думала над этим smile Решила девушку за рамку не убирать smile Трехглавый фонарь smile Пусть трем парам повезет smile

silvia marmori silvia marmori #10 mon 13 Nov 2006 22:55

good eye, lara!.. excellent pov!

Larisa Leonova Larisa Leonova #11 mon 13 Nov 2006 23:03

Thank you dear Silvia! smile My eyes work quicker than my mind i think smile

silvia marmori silvia marmori #12 mon 13 Nov 2006 23:29

that is great, dear Lara!!
when you think a lot, you loose spontaneity and began wondering ...and most of times, you spoil it!
let your eyes and soul decide always.. . never your mind smile (at least for images wink )

Billy Holmes Billy Holmes #13 Tue 14 Nov 2006 01:23

Great street capture of the moment !!

Simone Pepoli Simone Pepoli #14 Tue 14 Nov 2006 23:42

Interesting perspective - Excellent contrast.

best + > simone

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #15 Wed 15 Nov 2006 04:57

A beautiful moment captured, Lara!
Well composed!!!!