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пн 15 янв 2007 22:57
цифровая фотокамера Sony
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Billy Holmes Billy Holmes #1 пн 15 янв 2007 23:22

Fantastic photo !!!!! The minute I saw this one of my favorite songs hit my mind immediately. I hope you dont mind I'll include the lyrics here to show the feeling I received. Thanks for sharing your touching photo. Photos evoke different feelings in every viewer and I like knowing what they feel. This one closely matches the song but also reflects the struggles we face to me and reward for earnest living.

When I get where I'm going
on the far side of the sky.
The first thing that I'm gonna do
Is spread my wings and fly.

I'm gonna land beside a lion,
and run my fingers through his mane.
Or I might find out what it's like
To ride a drop of rain

Yeah when I get where I'm going,
there'll be only happy tears.
I will shed the sins and struggles,
I have carried all these years.
And I'll leave my heart wide open,
I will love and have no fear.
Yeah when I get where I'm going,
Don't cry for me down here.

I'm gonna walk with my grandaddy,
and he'll match me step for step,
and I'll tell him how I missed him,
every minute since he left.
Then I'll hug his neck.

So much pain and so much darkness,
in this world we stumble through.
All these questions, I can't answer,
so much work to do.

But when I get where I'm going,
and I see my Maker's face.
I'll stand forever in the light,
of His amazing grace.
Yeah when I get where I'm going,
there'll be only happy tears.
I will love and have no fear.
When I get where I'm going.
Yeah when I get where I'm going.

Екатерина Гудкова Екатерина Гудкова #2 пн 15 янв 2007 23:22

They are so nice!=)

Billy Holmes Billy Holmes #3 пн 15 янв 2007 23:30

I was so much into getting the comment across I didn't mention the artist is Brad Paisley and the song title is When I Get Where I'm Going for anyone curious about the song or correlation улыбаюсь

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #5 пн 15 янв 2007 23:32

:) what a lovely family, excelent moment captured, perfect tones, light and details!! Very nice the sky reflection!


Cameron Fielding Cameron Fielding #6 пн 15 янв 2007 23:35

Great shot смеюсь . Perfectly captured.

silvia marmori silvia marmori #7 пн 15 янв 2007 23:40

great.. so well you captured them.. lovely they are!!! улыбаюсь
details , light.. reflection!!

Mladen Borisow Mladen Borisow #8 пн 15 янв 2007 23:42

excellent photo:):)

Наталья Жукова Наталья Жукова #9 вт 16 янв 2007 00:53

Touching family! The remarkable moment! Excellent work! I congratulate!

Ирина Анурова Ирина Анурова #10 вт 16 янв 2007 01:00

such a cute capture!

Kate Kate #11 вт 16 янв 2007 01:19

Отличный кадр!!!

Maria E. Maria E. #12 вт 16 янв 2007 01:45

Well done!

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #13 вт 16 янв 2007 03:06


Chet King Chet King #14 вт 16 янв 2007 03:36

Now this is great. Different. Good comment Billy. With just a little touch up this would be a great illustration/poster.

Dorota K. Dorota K. #15 вт 16 янв 2007 04:41

Good eye ! and excellent composition,detail and everything else ! Love the sky refelection!

Geoff Playfair Geoff Playfair #16 вт 16 янв 2007 06:45

great work!